Creve Coeur Airport

Information 1HO

Airport Information For 1HO

Unicom: 122.8

Elevation: 463 Ft (141.1 M)

Pattern Alt: 1,113 MSL

Hours: 8:00 AM to Dusk

Fuel: Line Service 8:00 AM to Dusk.

Fuel: Self Service Available 24/7/365

Fuel Available: 100 LL + Jet-A


Office Hours: 8:00 AM to Dusk


Jet-A: $5.24/Gal TAX INCLUDED as of 02-10-25


Jet-A Discounts Offered.

0 - 99.99 Gls At The Regular Price

100 - 299.99 Gls At $.15/Gls + Tax

300 Gls And Above At $.25/Gls + Tax


100LL: $5.60/Gal  TAX INCLUDED as of 02-10-25


Above fuel prices subject to change without notice. Call 314-878-9575 to confirm. Creve Coeur Airport does not allow aircraft fuel to be brought onto the property! 

Need A Rent-A-Car?

Runway 16/34 4500 x 75 Ft. (1372 x 23 M)

Concrete. Up to 30,000 Lbs. Max Gross Wt.

Traffic Pattern: 16 RH

Traffic Pattern: 34 LH

Runway Lights: Yes

4 Light PAPI On Left, Both Runways.


Runway 7/25 3120 x 220 FT. (951 x 67 M)

Turf. Do Not Use When Wet

Traffic Pattern: 7 LH

Traffic Pattern: 25 RH

Marked With Yellow Cones

Runway Lights: No


Please try to avoid unnecessary flight over the noise sensitive areas along the St. Charles bluffs to our north, along the Maryland Heights bluffs to our east, and along the bluffs in Chesterfield to our south. Also, please try to avoid unnecessary or noisy operations over Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park. We are trying to be a good neighbor so remember, quiet flying is smart flying.  


And in case you were are not allowed to land a sea plane on Creve Coeur Lake!

Document Library

DocumentAirport Layout 2009New D/E Row Taxiway Construction 2009
DocumentAirport Wind RosePrevailing Wind History At Creve Coeur Airport
DocumentAirport Layout PlanCreve Coeur Airport Layout Plan
DocumentCreve_Coeur_Modot_webAirport Economic Impact Study
DocumentModot Airport Guide InformationModot's Informatin For Creve Coeur Airport
DocumentModot Scanned pdf 1Modot Airport Directory Scanned pdf 1
DocumentModot Scanned pdf 2Modot Airport Directory Scanned pdf 2
DocumentSTL Terminal Procedures 1HO Pg 1 pdfSTL_Terminal_Procedures_CCAP_pdf_scan_1
DocumentSTL Terminal Procedures 1H0 Pg 2 pdfSTL_Terminal_Procedures_CCAP_pdf_scan_2
DocumentSTL Terminal Procedures 1HO Pg 3 pdfSTL_Terminal_Procedures_CCAP_pdf_scan_3
DocumentMinimum Standards For TenantsFAA Mandated Grant Assurance Tenant Minimum Standards
DocumentAirport Study 1984 Part 1Airport Study Part 1
DocumentAirport Study 1984 Part 2Airport Study Part 2
DocumentAirport Study 1984 Map 2Airport Study Map 2
DocumentAirport Study 1984 Map 1Airport Study Map 1
DocumentAirport Tree Removal Environmental AssessmentPlan to clear trees in 16 34 approach path
DocumentAirport Obstruction Removal DocumentFinal 2018
DocumentStock and Assoc Drainage Mapshowing plans from 2008
DocumentHBLD Compliance LetterH and S Engineering
DocumentKBG H and R Approval LetterKBG OK from HBLD Engineer
DocumentKBG Grading PermitKBG Permit OK For Fill
DocumentKBG Floodplain DevelopementKBG OK In A Floodplain
DocumentHBLD 2021 Reclamation Plan2021 Plan
DocumentHBLD 2021 Exhibit CExhibit C HBLD 2021
DocumentAirport Helicopter OperationsRules For Helicopter Ops
DocumentCCAP Rulesrules 1989